3 Advantages of Mentorship Programs

As baby boomers retire, with them they take incredibly valuable human capital that is not easily replaced. It is well known that this generation is exiting the workforce at increasing rates and behind them millennials are coming in the door, just beginning their careers. Capturing all of the internal company knowledge, skills and experience in …

Alberta HR Trends 2015

Salopek & Associates has been sharing HR trends and best practices with our network and clients for the past 10 years. One resource that is always of interest is the Alberta HR Trends Report, an initiative started by HRIA in 2013 that bi-annually surveys over 1000 HR professionals in Alberta to gain insight on industry …

Lay-Offs – Moving Forward With Purpose

We have all either experienced it and/or read about it – the after effects of a lay-off. Staff leaving offices with their termination packages, stunned as they walk to their desk to pack up their belongings and looking embarrassed as they say a quick good-bye to those they meet in the hall. Those that remain stand …

The Quest for Work-Life Balance

Now, more than ever, employees have numerous commitments and obligations outside of the office and are constantly being pulled in many directions. A shift in technology in recent years has made it easier to stay connected to the workplace to the degree that some employees never fully “shut off” from work mode. It is because …

Resumes – How Long Do I Keep Them?

Every now and then, I find myself hesitating over the delete button when an unsolicited resume arrives in my inbox. As recruiters and HR professionals, we may wonder: are we legally allowed to discard resumes? After talking with several colleagues, it’s clear that many are still uncertain about the requirements for retaining resumes. This uncertainty …

Non-Profit Sustainability = Investing In Your People

Organizations wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for their people. Organizations and non-profits that offer programming won’t survive without strong leadership and staff to deliver the programs. Why is it then that non-profits find it so challenging to finance people programs and processes? They struggle to find the dollars. Funders are encouraging organizations to be creative …

Fuelled for Work: Kale Caesar Salad

This post is Part 4 of a series called Fuelled for Work. Every few weeks we will share a post with recipes and ideas for workplace lunches and snacks that keep your brain fired up, your stomach satiated and your taste buds stimulated. Check out the last Fuelled for Work recipe for Curried Apple Quinoa …

Back-to-Work Brights

The Labour Day long weekend has come and gone, and in some areas of Calgary it snowed on the weekend. Summer certainly feels over and the thrill of the new season can be seen across the faces of all employees as they gleefully return from summer vacations and excitedly hunker down at their desks for …