Sometimes Breakups are Good For You

When it is my turn to create content for the Salopek HR Blog, I like to review the previous posts from my colleagues. Although I do this for practical purposes, to ensure I don’t replicate a topic of a recent post; it frequently becomes a journey of the ‘nodding head’. I nod in agreement with …

6 Tips for Avoiding Costly Employment Mistakes

It is very important that the Owners and Managers of Companies in Canada understand their rights and obligations towards their employees based on their Provincial Employment Standards Act, Human Rights Act, Law of Constructive Dismissal and Court Decisions, including the Supreme Court of Canada, to avoid the damages that their Company can be required to …

The Opportunity of Accommodation

As human resources professionals, the backbone that surrounds of much of the work that you do is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You are all familiar with your duty to accommodate and what that means for your employers. Accommodation is deeply ingrained in the human resources profession and is part of something we …

Recruiting All-Star Candidates

Recruitment is one human resources process in which there is never a dull moment. People are unpredictable and organizations are so dynamic, and often there are at least a couple quick changes throughout the process that force us recruiters to scramble and reorganize. As a recruitment specialist, I am often tasked by my clients to …

Launch: 2017 Training Workshop Program

As we plan for the year ahead, and respond to an economy that is beginning to rebound, many companies are focusing their HR efforts on maximizing employee engagement and developing strategies for retaining top talent. Employers are recognizing that culture, learning opportunity and skills development are increasingly important to employees today, and for many, it …

Onboarding Contract and Temporary Workers

In December my colleague, Leah Fochuk, wrote an excellent article about best practices in HR. (Definitely worth a read if you haven’t seen it). In her article she mentioned onboarding of employees. Today, I would like to look at this from a slightly different point of view – Onboarding Contract and Temporary Workers. In our …

Managers – Not Always Overtime Exempt

I recently had a client whose management team was feeling increasingly frustrated by the large amounts of additional hours they were being expected to work on a regular basis. They were told that they were managers and therefore, not entitled to overtime. Which, may or may not be true. Just because you give someone a …