Guide to Onboarding – Part 1

Onboarding, not paddleboarding! Image Source Congratulations! You have recently completed an exhaustive job search and have spent countless hours reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates. You have painstakingly pondered over which candidate you feel will best suit your team, performed all the necessary background checks, and extended a great offer to your top candidate for a …

That’s Not My Job!

I recently participated in a water fitness class at a city indoor pool and we were delayed starting because the new instructor had to get a lifeguard to tighten the tether ropes. The fitness instructor’s explanation of why she couldn’t perform this task (even though most instructors do) was “That’s not my job”. It reminded …

Stampede – The Good, The Bad & The Unemployed

For many Calgary-based businesses, the first ten days of July each summer are synonymous with a slowdown of business, empty offices and packed beer gardens. Viewed by some as the least productive time of year – “no one works during Stampede” – a strong case can be made for exactly the opposite. In fact, if …

What Does Human Resources Do?

Beyond providing onboarding orientation, issuing weekly paycheques and knowing all your employee’s personal info, what exactly does the Human Resources department do? How do they add value to your organization? Listed below is an overview of a few key Human Resources functions and how they bring value to your company. Performance Management – Formalized and …

Candidate Care: Recruitment 101

What the public knows about your organization greatly influences employee morale and satisfaction internally, as well as your draw to external candidates. In retail, it is a proven fact that when someone receives good customer service they’ll share that with 3 connections. However when they receive bad customer service, they’ll share that with 7 connections. …

Employee Engagement vs. Happiness

The term ‘employee engagement’ is getting a lot of airtime these days. Social media feeds are bombarded with articles (‘6 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement’) expressing the importance of engaging our employees. But something is missing, and that is clarity of definition. Unlike common belief, engagement is not employee happiness, or satisfaction. Neither of these …