International Women’s Day is tomorrow, March 8th, and it is a day of celebration and advocacy for women’s rights and equality around the world! Companies are celebrating International Women’s Day in a variety of creative ways to get involved and showcase the achievements of their female team members. Here are some ways you can get …

Building Workplace Culture Remotely

As we enter into another year of COVID some of us are struggling to find normalcy in our workplace, between juggling the ever-changing restrictions, balancing the needs of the organization, and ensuring the well-being of our team along with our own health and wellness. Now, more than ever, we need to put emphasis on the …

The Benefits of Vacationing

Ahh summer … a time to catch some sunshine, catch some waves and reconnect with loved ones. We look forward to the warmer months all year and dream of the perfect vacation, but often find ourselves struggling to actualize these plans. This can stem from many different things, such as the associated costs, the need …

What’s In Your Future?

  Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, are you wondering where your career passion is? It’s that time of year – no, it’s not New Year’s but SPRING … the time of year we all look forward to when the trees and the plants and the animals start showing signs of rebirth … of …

Anthem for the Small Business Owner

Its 6:30 am on the morning after my Executive Chef’s wedding. I can hear the partygoers slowly dying off as I’m slowly waking up for yet again another 14-hour workday. As I sit here sipping on my venti, non-fat, sugar free, no whip, caramel macchiato and watching the sunrise over the mountains, I find myself …

Welcome to … 2019!

In traditional new years’ style, we are dreaming of all we wish to accomplish with this fresh start – listing off each goal with bright eyes and an overwhelming sense of motivation. These goals tend to range from personal to professional, from mental to physical health, with tiny habit changes and baby steps in-between. In …

The Simple Art of Effective Listening

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.” –Doug Larson Among the many keys to establishing and maintaining a strong relationship, there isn’t anything I value more than practising effective listening skills. In my own experience, I have always felt more confident and empowered leaving a …