Recruiting in a Down Economy

It is no secret that in Alberta, and more specifically in Calgary, we are experiencing a very challenging economic time and job market. Thousands of Calgarians have lost their jobs and are seeking employment, many of them unemployed for an extended period of time. The latest unemployment rate in November 2016 has Alberta’s largest city …

Why Checking References is Important

Today, I was reminded of the importance of checking references. While working with a new client and getting up to speed on their HR issues, I was informed about an ongoing legal battle with an employee who was terminated 3 years ago. This employee was let go after only 2 months with the organization for …

Compensation Today – Getting it Just Right

When was the last time you measured how competitive your compensation program was? Over the past year the compensation landscape has changed drastically in Alberta due to the economic climate, and the impact has undoubtedly affected pay across Canada. Many organizations are cutting costs and eliminating positions to make it through this tough time – …

Reference Checking 101

We talk about due diligence all the time in today’s business world. In order to make a good decision, information and data are required to verify that your organization is moving in the right direction. Hiring decisions are no different and back checking is a very important step in the recruitment process. But how come …

Do’s and Don’ts: Cover Letter & Resume

The economic environment in Alberta has taken a toll on a lot of organizations, and unfortunately as a result, many professionals have been laid off. Today fewer companies are hiring and unemployment has increased – which has created a very competitive job market for those opportunities that do exist. Many professionals are faced with the challenge of …

Resumes – How Long Do I Keep Them?

Every now and then, I find myself hesitating over the delete button when an unsolicited resume arrives in my inbox. As recruiters and HR professionals, we may wonder: are we legally allowed to discard resumes? After talking with several colleagues, it’s clear that many are still uncertain about the requirements for retaining resumes. This uncertainty …

Guide to Onboarding – Part 2

This post is Part 2 of a series on Onboarding detailing the benefits resulting from a well-planned and effectively implemented Onboarding Process. Check out Guide to Onboarding – Part 1 for  practical Onboarding suggestions that will take you from day 1 to day 180. Image Source You have all of the proper elements in place …

Guide to Onboarding – Part 1

Onboarding, not paddleboarding! Image Source Congratulations! You have recently completed an exhaustive job search and have spent countless hours reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates. You have painstakingly pondered over which candidate you feel will best suit your team, performed all the necessary background checks, and extended a great offer to your top candidate for a …

What Does Human Resources Do?

Beyond providing onboarding orientation, issuing weekly paycheques and knowing all your employee’s personal info, what exactly does the Human Resources department do? How do they add value to your organization? Listed below is an overview of a few key Human Resources functions and how they bring value to your company. Performance Management – Formalized and …