Working With What You’ve Got

Realizing continued growth by maximizing current resources. The state of Alberta’s economy has settled in, and organizations are starting to realize that it is likely here to stay for some time. Our hopes of a quick rebound have dissipated, and companies are now faced with the challenge of figuring out how to survive a downturn …

Becoming an HR Best Practice Leader

As a human resources professional, I am oftentimes enlisted by my clients to bring forward recommendations and advice based on current HR best practices. Companies want confirmation that they are competitive in today’s market and that they are ahead of the 8-ball with respect to their organizational practices. However, the challenge is that best practices …

Abolishing Traditional Performance Reviews – it’s time!

How many of us truly believe that our performance review process adds value and that the time we spend managing the process improves results and the organization’s bottom line? In a public survey Deloitte conducted recently, more than half the executives questioned (58%) believe that their current performance management approach drives neither employee engagement nor …

Progressive Performance Management

  Performance management is an important human resources initiative that helps organizations manage their people, reward top performers and identify those employees who are struggling to meet organizational expectations. Having formalized performance management processes in place helps organizations become more efficient and effective by ensuring that their employees are meeting and exceeding performance goals. When …

Do’s and Don’ts: Cover Letter & Resume

The economic environment in Alberta has taken a toll on a lot of organizations, and unfortunately as a result, many professionals have been laid off. Today fewer companies are hiring and unemployment has increased – which has created a very competitive job market for those opportunities that do exist. Many professionals are faced with the challenge of …

Staying Positive in a Depressed Economy

2015 was a tough year for the province of Alberta and 2016 isn’t shaping up to be any better. The drastic dip in oil price has led to mass layoffs and unemployment rates that have not been seen since the previous recession in 2007-2008. Although there is no way to predict economic factors with 100% …

Strategies to Consider During a Downturn

As oil dips below $30 a barrel and the dollar dives to the lowest it’s been since 2003, it is hard to see clearly through the downturn doom and gloom. It is a critical time for organizations to assess their operations, budgets and teams and strategically consider their options for weathering the economic storm while …