Salopek & Associates Ltd. is committed to providing quality HR policies, manuals and guides (products) for your use.
Purchased products are downloadable and will be emailed to you upon purchase. This email will include the purchased product in Microsoft Word, a sample document in PDF for your reference, and a Letter from Salopek & Associates thanking you for your purchase. If you create an account with Salopek & Associates, your purchases will also be downloadable through your account and a record of your purchases will be maintained for future reference.
All payments are due prior to receipt of purchase. All purchases are non-refundable due to the nature of the product. If a payment is not received or payment method is declined, the buyer forfeits the ownership of any products purchased.
Your information is collected by PayPal solely for the purpose of purchasing and receiving a specific product. Your information is not stored by Salopek & Associates and will not be used for any other purpose. We will not add you to our mailing list upon your purchase. To receive our HR Tips and Industry News Articles you can sign up at the bottom of the Salopek & Associates website Home Page.
All products are strictly non-transferable and non-assignable and may only be used by the sole organization in which the individual purchasing the document works for or owns at the time of download. If an individual works for multiple organizations, they must purchase a separate document for each organization they are planning on using the document for. Only one document is permitted for each organization, and documents can not be used for multiple organizations, people or clients. The individual making the purchase understands that the rights to use this document are with the sole organization at date/time of download and can not transfer, or share documents when leaving the organization.
Any complaints about products or services can be made to We appreciate all feedback and will take any complaints into consideration.
Salopek & Associates is not responsible for any policy becoming outdated due to legislative changes following the purchase of a policy. Salopek & Associates will conduct a quarterly review of all products and update in accordance with legislation to ensure all saleable products are current. The buyer is responsible for ensuring policies continue to stay up to date with legislation following purchase. Salopek & Associates will assist with adaptation and implementation of your purchase but will not be held legally responsible for any changes made without the assistance of one of Salopek & Associates’ HR Consultants.
Automatic Email Subscription Opt-In
By agreeing to the Terms & Conditions, you give Salopek & Associates permission to add your email and contact information to our subscription lists to receive important updates on your e-store account and/or receive our monthly newsletter. All contact information will be kept secure and private. If you choose to no longer receive emails from Salopek & Associates, you can unsubscribe at anytime by clicking the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of the email.
These terms and conditions are subject to change.