Leadership vs. Management

John sat in the interview feeling prepared, confident and excited. He had just spoken about how he would approach the position strategically and more so his commitment to not just being a manager but to also being a great leader to his team. The interviewer turned to John and asked, “What is the difference between …

April Fools- Pranks At The Office

Building a positive work environment for your employees is fundamental for the success of any organization. A study by BrightHR found that employees who have fun at work are less likely to take sick days and more likely to report feeling creative at work and committed to their organization. In another study, the University of Warwick measured the impact …

Empathy Is The New Black

I recently conducted a social experiment. I asked ten people what the first word that came to mind when I said the word “empathy”. The responses varied from: “touchy feely ugh-ness” to “the softest of soft skills” to “the cornerstone of trust” to “the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes”. It is not …

Rightsizing and Reorganizing

As 2018 is well underway, have you wondered whether you are starting off the new year with the right organizational structure to deliver the results you need for your business? Most leaders have because their organization has experienced significant changes – many have downsized, or maybe rightsized, and are delivering results differently than they did a …

How to Survive a Minimum Wage Hike

On October 1, 2017 Alberta saw the second of three increases to the minimum wage, bringing it to $13.60 per hour. In 2016, the minimum wage was increased $1.00 to $12.20 per hour. At that time, many businesses were predicting significant harm to their ability to stay in business because of the increase in payroll …

Happy Holidays from Salopek & Associates!

A few members of the Salopek team are unfortunately missing from this year’s photo, including Shawna McGovern-Burke, Saira Gangji, Margaret Lau, Meigan Guthrie, Anna-Rita Lunghi, Jill Sullivan and Tanya Kensington. From all our Consultants in Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver, we wish you a very happy holidays!